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Declaration of Principles

This Supreme Council reaffirms its unswerving loyalty to the fundamental purpose of Freemasonry, which purpose from time immemorial has been to improve and strengthen the character of the individual man, and through the individual, the character of the community, reinforcing those spiritual and moral values which gave the community its strength and stability.


This Supreme Council believes that this purpose is to be attained by laying a broad basis of principle upon which men of every race, country, sect, and opinion may unite.


Believing that good and true men can be trusted to act well and wisely, this Supreme Council considers it the duty of the Fraternity to impress upon its members the principles of personal righteousness and personal responsibility to enlighten them as to those things which make for human welfare, and to inspire them with that feeling of charity, or well-wishing toward all mankind which will move them to translate principle and conviction into action.


To that end Freemasonry requires of its members a belief in God and encourages faith in God's divine purposes and worship of God in conformity with the dictates of individual conscience. It stands for truth and justice, liberty and enlightenment, fraternity and philanthropy.


This Supreme Council expects of its members strict obedience to the laws of the land and respect for their country's flag.


Such principles unite men and encourage the pursuit by them individually and collectively of worthy endeavors and the attainment of the purposes inherent in them. In that unity human character achieves its highest unfolding and provides man's bet hope for peace on earth and good will among men.


To the furtherance of these principles, all of our ritual is directed and all our efforts are aimed. To their furtherance each Master Mason has pledged himself, and at the portal of the Scottish Rite has renewed that pledge.


This Supreme Council discountenances and rejects any attempt by any international groups or confederations of Scottish Rite Supreme Councils to legislate for the individual Supreme Councils.

Recognizing that principles unite men, that programs sometimes divide them, and that preservation of unity of purpose and devotion to principle is essential to Freemasonry, the Supreme Council affirms its continued adherence to the ancient and approved rule of Freemasonry which forbids the discussion within tiled doors of creeds, politics, or other topics apt to excite personal animosities.


This Supreme Council further affirms its conviction that it is not only contrary to the fundamental principles of Freemasonry, but exceedingly dangerous to its unity strength, usefulness and welfare for Masonic Bodies in their official capacity to take formal action or attempt to exercise pressure or influence for or against any particular legislative project or proposal, or in any way attempt to procure the election or appointment of Government officials, whether executive, legislative, or judicial, or to influence them, whether or not members of the Fraternity, in the performance of their official duties.

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